English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Melody /'mɛlədi/ (n)
a series of musical notes played one after another; the most recognisable
part of a song

Metre /'miːtə/ (n) (also Meter)
the rhythm of music; the rhythmic pattern of beats

Mezzo /'mɛtsəʊ/ (adv) [Ita]

Middle eight /'mɪd(ə)l eɪt/ (n)
a short section (typically of eight bars) in the middle of a song, generally
of a different character from the other parts of the song

Minor /'mʌɪnə/ (n, adj)
(of an interval) smaller by a semitone than the correlative major interval;
(of a scale) with semitones above the second, fifth, and seventh notes,
contrasted with major; (of a key) based on a minor scale, tending to
produce a melancholy effect; a minor key, interval, or scale

Molto /'mɒltəʊ/ (adv) [Ita]

Motto /'mɒtəʊ/ (n) [Ita]
a phrase which recurs throughout a musical work and has some symbolical

Natural /'natʃ(ə)r(ə)l/ (n, adj)

neither sharp nor flat; restoring a note to its original position, the sign " F "
indicating this


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