English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Nocturne /'nɒktəːn/ (n) [Fr]
a short composition of a romantic nature, typically for piano; a musical
piece written for the night

Octave /'ɒktɪv/ (n)
a series of eight consecutive notes, the highest having the same
alphabetical name as the lowest, but higher in pitch; the note an octave
apart from a given note; two notes an octave apart sounding together


1 8 (Octave)

Orchestra /'ɔːkɪstrə/ (n)
a group of instrumentalists, especially one combining string, woodwind,
brass, and percussion sections

Outro /'aʊtrəʊ/ (n)
the concluding section of a piece of music

Parallel /'parəlɛl/ (adj, n)
(of major and minor keys) having the same key name; built on the same
tonic; a parallel major or minor key

Partitur /pati'tuːə/ (n) [Ger]
musical score; sheet music showing the music for all parts and instruments
at once

Perfect /'pəːfɪkt/ (adj)
(of an interval) belonging to the group comprising the fourth, the fifth, and
the octave

Pianissimo /pɪə'nɪsɪməʊ/ (adv, adj, n) [Ita]
very softly; musical passage performed or marked to be performed very

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