English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Quill /kwɪl/ (n)
a plectrum formed from the quill of a feather, used for plucking a musical
instrument; in instruments of the harpsichord type, a piece of quill attached
to a jack causing the string to be plucked when the key is pressed down

Reed /riːd/ (n)
a part of the mouthpiece of an oboe, bassoon, clarinet, or saxophone,
consisting of one or two thin pieces of cane which vibrate to produce a
sound when the instrument is blown into; any wind instrument with a reed

Refrain /rɪ'freɪn/ (n)
a recurring phrase, especially at the end of each verse of a song; the music
accompanying this

Relative /'rɛlətɪv/ (adj, n)
(of major and minor keys) having the same key signature; a relative major
or minor key

Rest /rɛst/ (n)
a period of silence of a specific duration

Rhythm /'rɪð(ə)m/ (n)
the systematic arrangement of musical sounds according to duration and
periodical stress

Root /ruːt/ (n)
the fundamental note of a chord

Scale /skeɪl/ (n)
a series of notes ascending or descending by fixed intervals, especially one
beginning on a certain note

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