English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Unit 2. Major Scales

I. Word List

a. General Words

Apply /@"plVI/ (v)
make use of; bring into operation; be relevant

  • We applied the ointment to the cut.

Ascending /@"sEndIN/ (adj)
rising; moving upwards

  • In an ascending order, numbers are arranged from lowest to highest.

Contain /k@n"teIn/ (v)
have; hold within; include

  • What does that big box contain?

Convenience /k@n"vi:nI@ns/ (n)
ease; simplicity

  • It is certainly a convenience to have a car that is trustworthy.

Cycle /"sVIk(@)l/ (n)
series; sequence; a course of events regularly
repeated in the same order

  • We have to wait for the dishwasher's wash and dry cycles to end.

Descending /dI"sEndIN/ (adj)
falling; moving downwards

  • The products are sorted in descending order based on their price.


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