English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

c. Antonyms: choose the word that means the opposite of the given

  1. vary
    a. extend b. alter
    c. differ d. conform

  2. descending
    a. changing b. falling
    c. rising d. altering

  3. convenience
    a. comfort b. difficulty
    c. ease d. simplicity

  4. ascending
    a. rising b. varying
    c. moving d. falling

III. Reading Passage

Major Scales

opular music, and almost all music anywhere in the world, is
tonal; that is, its melodies and harmonies tend to be centred
around a single musical pitch called a tonic. A group of pitches
arranged in steps around a tonic is called a scale, and the scale
that forms the basis of most melodies is the major scale. The major scale is
also known as a diatonic scale, meaning that it contains all seven notes of
the music alphabet (called scale degrees or steps), arranged in a specific
pattern above the tonic. The pattern, or formula, for the major scale is
made up of an ascending series of whole steps (the equivalent of a two-fret
distance on a guitar or bass, or two keys on a keyboard) and half steps (the


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