English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
 If the relative pronoun is not followed by a verb (but by a noun or
pronoun), the relative pronoun is an object pronoun. Object pronouns
can be dropped in defining relative clauses.
Example: The book (which) George laid on the table

a. Combine the sentences with relative clauses.

  1. A ferry is a ship. It carries people across the water.
    A ferry __.

  2. A monk is a man. The man has devoted his life to God.
    A monk _____.

  3. I have one black cat. His name is Blacky.
    I have ___.

  4. Carol plays the piano brilliantly. She is only 9 years old.
    Carol ____.

  5. Sydney is the largest Australian city. It is not the capital of Australia.
    Sydney ____.

b. Decide whether the relative pronouns must be used or not.

  1. The book which is on the table belongs to Brandon.
    The relative pronoun is a. necessary b. not necessary

  2. The man who you saw in the house is my cousin.
    The relative pronoun is a. necessary b. not necessary

  3. I cannot forget the song which they played last night.
    The relative pronoun is a. necessary b. not necessary

  4. A person that you don't trust won't trust you either.
    The relative pronoun is a. necessary b. not necessary

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