Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Art Credits


Cartography by  Bill    Nelson.

1-2a Bibliothèque   Municipale, Épernay.    Bridgeman   Art Library.
1-2b cliché Bibliothèque nationale de France.
1-3 Cartography by Bill Nelson.


St. Gallen, Switzerland,    Stiftsbibliothek,   MS  St. Gall    359.    From    Willi   Apel,   Gregorian   Chant,
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1958, plate 1 facing p. 122. By permission of Indiana
University Press.
1-4b Bibliothèque municipale de Chartres.
1-4c By permission of the British Library, Egerton 857.
1-5 From Rudolf Kittel, Liber Genesis. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1909.
1-6 Alphabetic notation adapted from Musica enchiriadis.

1-7 Foundations.Music   Division,   The New York    Public  Library for the Performing  Arts,   Astor,  Lenox   and Tilden

1-8 Bayerische  Staatsbibliothek    München,    Musikabteilung, Clm 2599,   fol.    96v.
1-9 British Museum, London, © Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY.
1-10 Metropolitan Museum of Art, Fletcher Fund, 1956 (56.171.38).
2-1 Staatsarchiv des Kantons Zurich, StaZ W 1 3, 19 XXXV fol. 56r.
2-2a Staatsbibliothek Bamberg, Msc. Var. 1 fol. 64.
2-2b cliché Bibliothéque nationale de France.
2-3 Sevilla, MS 56-5-1, fol. 2, akg-images.
2-4 Louvre, Paris, © Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY.
3-1 Bibliothéque Municipale, Avranches, © Snark/Art Resource, NY.

3-2 i   Beni    e   le  Attivitá    Culturali.  E’vietata   ogni    ulteriore   riproduzione    con qualsiasi   mezzo.Firenze,  Biblioteca  Medicea Laurenziana ms. Plut.   29.1,   cc. 1v. Su  concessione del Ministero   per

3-3 J.  F.  Neyts,  Musée   des Beaux-Arts, Valenciennes,   ©   Erich   Lessing/Art Resource,   NY.
3-4 © Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY.
3-5 Bildarchiv d. ÖNB, Wien.
3-6 Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, Musikabteilung, MS Clm 9599, fol. 97.
4-1 Biblioteca Nazionale, Florence, BR 217, fol. 58r, © Scala/Art Resource, NY.
4-2 cliché Bibliothèque nationale de France.
4-3 Cartography by Bill Nelson.
4-4a Fontevrault, © Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY.
4-4b Fontevrault, © Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY.
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