Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
normative   polyphonic,  187 –89
parallel-imperfect, 406 –9
Pythagorean classification of, 29 –31, 70 , 456 , 495 , 587
triads and, 168 , 587

consort of viols, 741 , 742

Constantine XI, Byzantine Emperor, 484

Constantinople, 484

contenance angloise, 422 –52

continental assimilation    of,  441 –52
features and impact of, 423 , 433 , 452
harmonizing and, 34 –35
significance of, 429 , 461
Tinctoris on, 514
translation of term, 422

contests. See song competitions

continental music. See international style

continuo, 780 –82, 783 , 784 , 795 , 798

earliest    printed,     809 ,   811
monodic madrigal and, 813 –18, 821
original composition pf, 804 , 808 –9
Peri’s Euridice and, 829 –31

continuo songs (musiche), 813 –18, 823 –26

contrafactum, 48 , 90

definition  of,  598
Easter dialogue trope and, 52
English round and, 392
laude and, 133
Lutheran chorales and, 759 , 760
Minnelieder and, 134 , 143
motet and, 217 –21, 227 –28
vernacular psalm settings and, 598

contralto, 468

contrapuntal style. See counterpoint

contratenor (fourth voice), 270 –73, 298 –99, 301 , 349 , 374

Binchois    use of,  448
caccia with, 378 , 380
Caput Mass and, 466 , 468 , 477
defining characteristic of, 301
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