Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
standard    of,  60 ,    61
substitute motets for, 518 –26
Taverner setting of, 612 –14, 680
tropes and, 50 –53
unity of, 495
votive, 314 –26, 429 , 460
votive motet substitutions in, 518 –26, 584

Massarelli, Angelo, 649 , 652

Mass in Five Parts (Byrd), 682 –86

Mass in Four Parts (Byrd), 681 –82

Mass of Our Lady (Machaut). See Messe de Nostre Dame, La

Mass of the Catechumens, 13

Mass of the Faithful, 13

Mass of the Time Signatures (Ockeghem), 477 –79

Mass of Toulouse, 315 , 316

Mass of Tournai, 316 , 317 , 321 , 590

Mass Ordinary. See Ordinary

Mass Ordinary cycle. See cyclic Mass Ordinaries

masterwork, concept of, 139

mathematics, music and, 248 –50, 252 –53, 410 , 495 , 587

senaria theory  and,     587 –88

matins, 11 , 33 , 37 , 171

Easter  responsory,  631 –32
Liturgical drama and, 93 , 94

Matona mi cara (Lasso), 714 –17

Matthew, Gospel According to, 775

Matthews, Lora, 558 , 559

Maundy Thursday, 465

maximas, 217

Maximinus, Saint, 91

Maxmilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, 455 , 457 , 544 , 572 , 759

May, Der (Oswald), 143

meaning. See semiotics


indication  of  beats   in,  251
Notre Dame polyphony and, 180 , 184
Petronian “division points” and, 251

measurement systems, 252 –53

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