Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
high    art vs.,     115 –16,    120
trouvères and, 120 –26, 136 , 142

Porque trobar (canso), 129 , 131

Porta, Costanzo, 605

“Portare” (tenor melisma), 233

portative organ, 363

Pound, Ezra, 389

Pourquoy me bat mes maris (Machaut), 292 –93

Power, Leonel, 413 , 416 , 461

Missa   Alma    Redemptoris Mater,   462 –65,    499

Praetorius, Michael, 765 –66

Christ  lag in  Todesbanden,     767 –68
Musae Sioniae, 765 –66

prebends, 169

precentor, 169

prefaces. See tropes

Presley, Elvis, 617

Prez, Josquin des. See Josquin des Prez

Prima parte dei salmi concertati (Giacobbi), 781

prime number, 495

Primo libro de motetti accomodati per cantare e far concerti, Il (Trombetti), 780

Primo libro di musiche (d’India), 819

Princeton University Library, 408

print culture, 553

printing. See music publishing


historiographical   view    of,  580 ,   738 –39
periodization and, 381 , 383
technical vs. stylistic evolution, 245 , 247 –48, 252 , 580 , 738 –39


four    basic   combinations    of,  251
lilt, 261 , 262


British nationalism and,     405 –6
motet and, 277 –81, 423 –24

Proper of the Time, 12

Propers, 679 –80

prophecy, 719 , 720 –21

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