Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
universities    and,     148

secular music, 689

blurred line    with    sacred  music   of,  105 –6,     128 ,   131 ,   136 ,   311 ,   532 –34
cantilena and, 298 –301, 311
composer attribution for, 172
earliest literate, 105 –45
Grocheio’s social theory and, 208
Lasso and, 713 , 714 –21
Lutheran chorale adaptations of, 759
Machaut and, 289 –307
as Mass cantus firmus basis, 483 –97
motet and, 236 , 259
trecento and, 351 , 383
vernacular song and, 99 , 108 –45, 351 , 694 –709
See also instrumental music; madrigal; opera

Sederunt principes et adversum me loqueebantur (Pérotin), 173

Segni, Julio, 607 , 611 –12

Se j’ai ame (French motet), 218 –19, 218

Se je chant mains (canon), 331 –33, 364

Se la face ay pale (Du Fay), 498

self-accompaniment, 132

self-analysis, 383

self-interest, 765

self-made man, Florentine elite as, 383

Selva di varia ricreatione (Vecchi), 746

semantics. See words-music relationship,

semibreve, 217 , 231 –32, 233 , 235 , 236 , 237 –38, 239 , 244 , 251 , 260

beat    and,     251 –52
Giovanni madrigal grouping of, 363 , 364
rationalization of, 249
red notes and, 266 , 340 –41, 410
subdivision of, 260 –61, 355 , 364

semicrome (sixteenth note), 785

semiminims (sixteenth notes), 515

semiotics, introversive, 643

semitone, 74 , 99

diatonic    vs. chromatic,   729
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