Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

“surge songs,”, 27

Sur toutes flours (ballade), ars subtilior puzzle-notation, 345

Susato, Tylman, 589 , 593 , 597 , 598 , 709 , 712 , 714

“Swanee River” (song), 18

Swiss German reformed church, 755

Sy dolce non sonò con lir’ Orfeo (Landini), 374 –78, 380 , 384

syllabic notation, 39 , 41 , 60

conductus   and,     201
motet and, 210 , 214 –17
voces musicales and, 499

syllabic performance, 115

Kyrie,   58 –59,     101

syllabic text,

conductus   and,     199 –205,   209 ,   211
discant and, 209
Gloria and Credo and, 311


declamation and,     566 ,   567
line length and, 44 , 175
meter classification and, 175 , 197
scale singing and, 101
sequence melody and, 41 –43, 50 , 57


chace   (canon) and,     333 –34
cyclic Mass Ordinary and, 461
declamation motet and, 432 , 433
Missa L’Homme Armé and, 495
motet and, 226 , 229 , 236 , 255 , 282 , 284 –85, 286 , 429
musical iconic representation and, 363

symphonia. See symphony

Symphoniae jucundae (schoolbook), Luther preface to, 755

symphonia of the diapente, 150 , 151

symphonic binary form, See sonata form,


cyclic  Mass    Ordinary    compared    with,    496 –97
as symphonia, 149 –53, 154 , 187

symphony concert. See concerts

Synaxis, 25 , 313

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