Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Philosophy  of  History

Chapter 5   Polyphony   in  Practice    And Theory

Early Polyphonic Performance Practices and the Twelfth-Century Blossoming of Polyphonic

Another renaissance
“Symphonia” and its modifications
Guido, John, and discant
Polyphony in aquitanian monastic centers
The Codex Calixtinus

Chapter 6   Notre   Dame    de  Paris

Parisian Cathedral Music in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries and Its Makers

The cathedral-university    complex
Piecing the evidence together
Measured music
Whys and wherefores
Organum cum alio
Theory or practice?
Conductus at Notre Dame

Chapter 7   Music   for an  Intellectual    and Political   Elite

The Thirteenth-Century Motet

A   new class
The nascent motet
“Franconian” notation
Confluence of traditions
A new trobar clus?
Tenor “families”
Color and talea
The art of mélange
The “Petronian” motet

Chapter 8   Business    Math,   Politics,   and Paradise:   The Ars Nova

Notational and Stylistic Change in Fourteenth-Century France: Isorhythmic Motets from Machaut
to Du Fay

A   “new    art of  music”?
Music from mathematics
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