Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

rounded “ternary form” (ABA) to match the adapted text. Its neumatic antiphon-like style makes it suitable
for performance by the schola.

Since the ordinary chants were composed precisely when the practice of antiphontroping was at its
height, they too played host to sometimes very extended tropes. Particularly rich is the repertory of Gloria
tropes, many of which were proper to specific feasts or classes of feast (such as those in honor of the
Blessed Virgin). These tropes often took the form of additional laudes or acclamations, inserted in
between the standard ones. One such verse that seemed to live a life of its own in the manuscripts went
Regnum tuum solidum permanebit in aeternum (“Your abiding reign will endure forever”). It is found
following “Tu solus altissimus, Jesu Christe” in many sources, associated with many different Gloria

EX. 2-10    Gloria  IV
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