Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Talking about change, new

situations, and changing


1 ⧁ቅ࿯ Wáng Xifomèi is training to run a marathon. Her coach is giving her
a pep talk. Put the phrases in each of these sentences into the correct order to
find out what he is saying. The English translations are provided.
a. ֖䏀䏀䇚ⵕᶛȾ
nh yuè yuè rènzhbn lái.
You have become serious.
b. ֖Ⲻ䓡։ᕰ༤䏀ᶛ䏀Ⱦ
nh de shbnth qiángzhuàng yuè lái yuè.
You are getting stronger and stronger.
c. 䏀֖Ⲻᢶᐝᶛ䏀ླȾ
yuè nh de jìqifo lái yuè hfo.
Your technique is getting better and better.
d. ᘡ∊䎑ⲺᰛᆆҼ㾷ࡦȾ
kuài bhsài de rìzi le yào dào.
The day of the race is coming up soon.
e. ֖ᗍ䐇пѠቅᰬ∅ཟȾ
nh dgi pfo san gè xifoshí mgitian.
You must begin running three hours every day.
f. ֖䏀䐇䏀ᘡ䐇ᗍȾ
nh yuè pfo yuè kuài pfo de.
The more you run the faster you will get.
➪ 38.3

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