Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Expressing additional information


2 Rewrite each of the following sentences, adding the expression in parentheses.
Translate your sentences into English.
a. 䘏ᵢᆍޮ䘷㔏֖ȾᡇᴿжᵢȾ 䘎
䙏ᵢᆍޮ䘷㎜֖ȾᡇᴿжᵢȾ 䚺
Zhè bgn zìdifn sòngggi nh. Wi yiu ycbgn. (hái)
b. ֖ᴿӶѾӁ᛻㾷઀䇿ᡇ੍ϋ 䘎
֖ᴿ⭐哳Ӂ᛻㾷઀䁪ᡇఄϋ 䚺
Nh yiu shénme shìqing yào gàosu wi ma? (hái)
c. ሯу䎭Ⱦᡇу៸֖ⲺᝅᙓȾ 䘎
ቃу䎭Ⱦᡇу៸֖ⲺᝅᙓȾ 䚺
Duìbuqh. Wi bù ding nh de yìsi. (hái)
d. ֖ᴿཐቇ䫧ϋ 䘎
֖ᴿཐቇ䥘ϋ 䚺
Nh yiu dudshao qián? (hái)
e. ᆜѣᮽᴿᝅᙓθਥԛᢴࡦླⲺᐛ֒Ⱦ уռĊᒬъ
ᆮѣᮽᴿᝅᙓθਥԛᢴࡦླⲺᐛ֒Ⱦ уռĊᒭъ
Xué Zhdngwén yiu yìsi, kgyh zhfodào hfo de gdngzuò.
(bùdàn... bìngqig)
f. ࿯࿯θᡇԢ䜳௒⅘ਹѣള侣Ⱦ 䲚ҼĊԛཌ
࿯࿯θᡇه䜳௒↗ਹѣു伥Ⱦ 䲚ҼĊԛཌ
Mèimei, wimen ddu xhhuan chc Zhdngguó fàn. (chúle... yhwài)
g. 䛙Ѡ᯻侼ᒨ߶׵ᇒȾ ৾Ċ৾ [߶ᒨ/Ҵ␞ clean]
䛙ف᯻佞Ҵ␞׵ᇒȾ ৾Ċ৾ [׵ᇒ cheap]
Nàge lkgufn ganjìng piányi. (yòu... yòu)
h. ྾྾р⨣θᗍ➝亴ᆟᆆȾ уռĊ㙂ъ [р⨣ go to work]
ჳჳр⨣θᗍ➝亝ᆟᆆȾ уռĊ㙂ъ [➝亴 take care of]
Mama shàng ban, dgi zhàogù háizi. (bùdàn... érqig)

3 儎㮴 Gao Lgi has asked one of her professors to write her a letter of
recommendation. Here are the professor’s notes. Use them to write the letter
in Mandarin. Incorporate the parenthesized expressions in each line.
a. smart and hardworking [৾ yòu]
b. very reliable [ᒭъ bìngqig]
c. prepares course work carefully, does well on tests [ࣕ䈴/ࣕ䃨 gdngkè
course work, ༽߼/ۏⓌ zhjnbèi prepare, Ԋ㓼/Ԋ14点 zhxì carefully]
[уռ bùdàn... 㙂ъ érqig]
d. active in student organizations [ᆜ⭕㓺㓽/ᆮ⭕㍺㒊 xuéshbng zjzhc
student organizations, 〥ᶷ࠼ᆆ/ゃᾫ࠼ᆆ jcjí fbnzi activist] [䘎/䚺 hái]

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