Expressing sequence
Before going to sleep:
a. does homework
b. watches television
c. calls a friend on the phone
d. bathes
e. reads email
➪ 42.1
3 Write complete Mandarin sentences using ԛ/ԛᗂ yvhòu and Ҽ le to
describe what ቅ⧁ Xifo Wáng plans to do after taking her test.
Example: eat icecream → ቅ⧁㘹Ҽѣᮽԛᜩਹߦ⏽␁Ⱦ
Xito Wáng kto le Zhrngwén yvhòu xifng
chq bqngqilín.
a. watch a movie
b. drink coffee
c. sleep
d. study with friends
e. play tennis [ᢉ㖇⨹/ᢉ9日⨹ df wfngqiú]
➪ 42.2
4 Write complete Mandarin sentences using ԛ/ԛᗂ yvhòu, ቧ jiù, and Ҽ le
to describe what each of the following people say they will do after they
Example:ቅ⧁ Xifo Wáng: → ቅ⧁∋Ҽѐԛቧᆜ⌋ᮽȾ
study French ቅ⧁⮘Ҽᾣԛᗂቧᆮ⌋ᮽȾ
Xito Wáng bì le yè yvhòu jiù xué Ftwén.
a. ⧁咅伔/⧁厢休 Wáng Péngfbi: travel
b. ᕖ㤯/ᕫ㱁 Zhang Píng: look for a job
c. 䱾⧡⧨/䲩⧡⧨ Chén Méilíng: get married
d. ᗆѹᓭ Xú Nfikang: attend graduate school
➪ 42.2
5 Translate these sentences into English, capturing the meaning contributed by
ᢃ cái in each sentence.
a. ᡇᱞཟᲐрॷж⛯ঀᢃ㿿Ⱦ
Wi zuótian wfnshang shíyc difn bàn cái shuì jiào.
b. 㘹䈋ᔶခԛԌᢃᶛȾ
Kfoshì kaishh yhhòu ta cái lái.