Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


c. ᡇԢᅴӂᆜᵕᢃᔶခᆜߏ≿ᆍȾ
Wimen dì èr xuéqc cái kaishh xué xig Hàn zì.
d. ᱞཟᲐрԌⵁᇂ⭫ᖧᢃ֒ࣕ䈴Ⱦ
Zuótian wfnshang ta kànwán diànyhng cái zuò gdngkè.
e. њ⛯р䈴θਥᱥ㘷ᐾњ⛯ॷ࠼ᢃᶛȾ
Lifng difn shàng kè, kgshì lfoshc lifng difn shí fbn cái lái.

6 Use ݾ xion... ߃ zài to describe 䱾⧡⧨/䲩⧡⧨ Chén Méilíng’s plan.

Example: get up... → 䱾⧡⧨ݾ䎭ᓀ߃⍍◗Ⱦ
take a shower 䲩⧡⧨ݾ䎭ᓀ߃⍍◗Ⱦ
Chén Méilíng xion qv chuáng zài xv zto.
a. eat breakfast... read a newspaper
b. read the newspaper... go to class
c. return home... do homework
d. do homework... practice tennis
e. eat dinner... see friends
➪ 42.3.1

7 For each sentence below, fill in the blank(s) with the correct word(s) (ࢃԛ
yvqián before, ԛ੄/ᗂ yvhòu after, ݾ xion... ߃ zài first... then, ᢃ cái
only then, or ቧ jiù as soon as) so that the meaning of the Mandarin sentence
corresponds to that of the English sentence.
a. с䈴 ____θ֖㾷֒ӶѾϋ
с䃨 ____θ֖㾷֒⭐哳ϋ
Xià kè ____, nh yào zuò shénme?
What are you going to do after class?
b. ᡇԢⵁҼ⭫ᖧ ____θ____ ৱ䐩㡔Ⱦ
ᡇهⵁҼ䴱ᖧ ____θ____ ৱ䐩㡔Ⱦ
Wimen kàn le diànyhng ____, ____ qù tiào wj.
We are going to go dancing after we watch the movie.
c. ᆜ⭕р䈴 ____ ᗍ人༽ࣕ䈴Ⱦ
ᆮ⭕р䃨 ____ ᗍ乆ۏࣕ䃨Ⱦ
Xuéshbng shàng kè ____ dgi yùbèi gdngkè.
Students have to prepare lessons before they go to class.

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