Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

45 Expressing conditions

1 Complete these sentences with one of the following words or expressions to
best match the English meaning.
ቧᱥ jiù shì, ਠ㾷 zhv yào, 䲚䶔 chúfpi, 㾷у❬/㾷у❬ yàobùrán, ࡽੜ fwuzé
a. ֖ᴶླ䇟֖ᕕᕕਹᰟ侣θԌቧՐ侵ᗍруҼ䈴ҼȾ
Nh zuì hfo ràng nh dìdi chc zfofàn, ta jiù huì è de shàngbulifo kè le.
You’d better make your younger brother eat breakfast. Otherwise he will be
so hungry that he won’t be able to go to class.
b. ֖䈭֖ᕕᕕⵁ⭫ᖧθԌቧՐ儎ުȾ
Nh qhng nh dìdi kàn diànyhng, ta jiù huì gaoxìng.
As long as you invite your little brother to see the movie he will be happy.
c. уᇂȾڐѐθԌ֒ڐᕕᕕ֖ᑤ֖
Nh bang nh dìdi zuò zuòyè, ta zuòbuwán.
Unless you help your brother do his homework he will not finish it.
d. ֖ᴶླᑤ֖Ⲻᕕᕕ֒ڐѐθԌ㘹уླȾ
Nh zuìhfo bang nh de dìdì zuò zuòyè, ta kfo bù hfo.
You’d better help your brother do his homework. Otherwise, he will do
poorly on the test.
e. ֖⭞ࣕθ֖жᇐ㘹ᗍрཝᆜȾ
Nh yònggdng, nh ycdìng kfodeshàng dàxué.
As long as you are hardworking, you will definitely get into college.
f. ֖ᑤ֖Ⲻᕕᕕ֒ڐѐθԌҕ䇮䘎㘹ᗍуླȾ
Nh bang nh de dìdi zuò zuòyè, ta yéxj hái kfo de bù hfo.
Even if you help your brother do his homework, he may still do poorly on
the test.

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