Expressing ‘both,’ ‘all,’ ‘every,’ ‘any,’ ‘none,’ ‘not any,’ and ‘no matter how’
g. ֖⅘ଠԬ∑㺙ϋ
Nh xhhuan nf jiàn máoyc?
Which sweater do you like?
h. ֖᭴ٽৱӶѾ൦ᯯϋ
Nh fang jià qù shénme dìfang?
Where do you want to go during the break?
➪ 46.4.2
4 ઞ Zhdu Lì had a bad experience with his last exam. Express his experience
in Mandarin, using ᙄѾ/ᙄ哳 zunme and the appropriate form of the
bracketed resultative verb in each sentence.
Example: No matter how I review the lessons I do poorly on the tests.
Ww zunme fùxí grngkè yu kto bù hto.
a. No matter how I studied, I couldn’t master (the material). [ᆜՐ/ᆮᴹ xuéhuì]
b. No matter how I tried to memorize (things) I couldn’t memorize (them).
[䇦օ/䁎օ jìzhù]
c. No matter how much I wrote, I couldn’t finish writing. [ᇂߏ/ሡᇂ xigwán]
d. No matter how I tried to guess, I couldn’t guess. [⥒/⥒㪍 caizhao]
e. No matter how I read (it), I couldn’t understand (it). [ⵁ៸ kànding]
f. No matter how I thought, I couldn’t think of the answers. [ᜩ䎭ᶛ
xifngqhlai, ᆑṾ dá’àn answer]
➪ 32.1, 32.2, 46.4.3
5 ቅᶄ Xifo Lh finds his roommate difficult to live with. Describe his roommate’s
behavior in Mandarin using the parenthesized words.
Example: He doesn’t go anywhere. → Ԍଠݵ䜳уৱȾ
(ݵଠ/ވଠ ntr) Ԍଠވ䜳уৱȾ
To ntr dru bù qù.
a. He doesn’t like anyone. [䈷/䃦 shéi]
b. He is not willing to do anything. [ӶѾ/⭐哳 shénme]
c. No matter how much you speak with him, he doesn’t listen. [ᙄѾ/ᙄ哳 zgnme]
d. His things are all over the room. (In the room, his things are everywhere.)
[ݵଠ/ވଠ nfr]
e. No matter how dirty his clothing is, he won’t wash it. [ཐѾ/ཐ哳 duóme]
f. In the evening, he is always watching television. [ӶѾᰬُ/⭐哳ᱸُ
shénme shíhòu]