Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

51 Expressing commands and permission

1 Rewrite these expressions of permission as commands.

Example:֖ਥԛ僇㠠㺂䖜ৱȾ → 僇㠠㺂䖜ৱ੝έ
֖ਥԛ偄㠠㺂䔀ৱȾ 偄㠠㺂䔀ৱ੝έ
Nv kuyv qí zìxíngchp qù. Qí zìxíngchp qù ba!
You can go by bicycle. Go by bicycle!
a. ֖ਥԛⵁ⭫㿼Ⱦ
Nh kgyh kàn diànshì.
You can watch television.
b. ֖ਥԛ㔏֖Ⲻᕕᕕᢉ⭫䈓Ⱦ
Nh kgyh ggi nh de dìdi df diànhuà.
You can call your younger brother.
c. ֖ਥԛਹ侣Ⱦ
Nh kgyh chc fàn.
You can eat.
d. ֖ਥԛৱⵁྫྷྫྷȾ
Nh kgyh qù kàn nfinai.
You can go to see grandma.
e. ֖ਥԛ䈪䈓Ⱦ
Nh kgyh shud huà.
You can speak.
f. ֖ਥԛ⶗㿿Ⱦ
Nh kgyh shuì jiào.
You can go to sleep.
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