Expressing desires, needs, preferences, and willingness
4 The Zhuang family is doing some spring cleaning and Mrs. Zhuang has
assigned tasks to each of her five children, as indicated in Table A. The
children swap assignments based on their preferences, and their final
assignments are listed in Table B. Complete their discussion based on the
information in these tables.
Table A: Original assignments
㘷ཝ 㘷ӂ 㘷п 㘷 㘷ӊ
ᢡ൦ ⍍ᓀঋ ᬜネᡭ ⍍⻍ ᭬ᤴᡵ䰪
ᦹ൦ ⍍ᓀ ᬜネᡬ ⍍⻍ ᭬ᤴᡵ䯉
sfo dì xh chuángdanca chuanghù xh wfnshdushí fángjian
sweep wash the sheets clean the windows wash the dishes clean up the rooms
Table B: Assignments after the swap
㘷ཝ 㘷ӂ 㘷п 㘷 㘷ӊ
ᬜネᡭ ᢡ൦ ⍍ᓀঋ Will pay 㘷ӊ
ᬜネᡬ ᦹ൦ ⍍ᓀ ⍍⻍+᭬ᤴᡵ䯉
ca chuanghù sfodì xh chuángdanxh wfn + shdushí fángjian
㘷ཝφ ᡇ _________________ ҕу㾷 _________________Ⱦᆷਥ
ᡇ _________________ ҕу㾷 _________________Ⱦምਥ
lfo dà: Wi _________________ yg bùyào _________________. (nìngkg)
㘷ӂφ ᡇ _________________θ_________________ 䐕ᡇӚᦘϋᝅ
ᡇ _________________θ_________________ 䐕ᡇӚᨑϋ于ᝅ
lfo èr: Wi _________________, _________________ gbn wi jiaohuàn? (yuànyì)
㘷пφ ᡇ _________________ ҕу㾷 _________________Ⱦ
ᡇ _________________ ҕу㾷 _________________Ⱦ于
lfo san: Wi _________________ yg bùyào _________________. (qíngyuàn)
㘷φ ᴿ⋗ᴿӰ㾷ᑤᡇڐϋᡇԀཟ _________________θଠݵᴿᰬ䰪⍍⻍έᗍ
ᴿ⋈ᴿӰ㾷ᒡᡇڐϋᡇԀཟ _________________θଠވᴿᱸ䯉⍍⻍έᗍ
lfo sì: Yiu méi yiu rén yào bang wi zuò? Wi jcntian _________________,
nfr yiu shíjian xhwfn! (dgi)
㘷ӊφ ྾྾ᙱᱥ _________________θ㘷Ⲻᐛ֒∊䖹ᇯ᱉έڅ⡧
ჳჳ㑳ᱥ _________________θ㘷Ⲻᐛ֒∊䔹ᇯ᱉έڅᝑ
lfo wj: Mama zingshì _________________. Lfosì de gdngzuò bhjiào róngyì!