Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


5 Rewrite these sentences, adding the negation word provided in parentheses
into the sentence in the appropriate location.
a. ᡇ௒⅘ਹ㠣䉼㞆Ⱦ у
ᡇ௒↗ਹ㠣䉼㞆Ⱦ у
Wi xhhuan chc chòu dòufu. (bù)
I don’t like to eat stinky bean curd.
b. ᡇԢᜩ䐕֖ж䎭ৱⵁ⭫ᖧȾ у
ᡇهᜩ䐕֖ж䎭ৱⵁ䴱ᖧȾ у
Wimen xifng gbn nh ycqh qù kàn diànyhng. (bù)
We don’t want to go with you to see a movie.
c. Ԍ൞但঻ᐛ֒θԌ൞ᇵ㡃ᐛ֒Ⱦ у
Ԍ൞但ᔩᐛ֒θԌ൞ᇵ㡃ᐛ֒Ⱦ у
Ta zài cantcng gdngzuò, ta zài sùshè gdngzuò. (bù)
He doesn’t work in the cafeteria; he works in the dorm.
d. Ԍ㔏ᡇᢉ⭫䈓Ⱦ ⋗
Ԍ㎜ᡇᢉ䴱䂧Ⱦ ⋈
Ta ggi wi df diànhuà. (méi)
He didn’t phone me.
e. Ԍ൞⌋ളᘫҜθԌ൞ᗭളᘫҜȾ у
Ԍ൞⌋ു୮ᴮθԌ൞ᗭു୮ᴮȾ у
Ta zài Ffguó niànshe, ta zài Déguó niànshe. (bù)
He doesn’t study in France, he studies in Germany.
➪ 4.8

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