Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

60 Expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction

1 Respond to each question indicating your degree of satisfaction. ‘10’ indicates
the highest degree of satisfaction. ‘1’ indicates the lowest degree of satisfaction.
Refer to Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar, Chapter 60, for words used to
indicate the degree of satisfaction in Mandarin.
a. ֖ԢᆜṗᙄѾṭϋ௒⅘੍ϋ(3)
Nhmen xuéxiào zgnmeyàng? Xhhuan ma?
How is your school? Do you like it?
b. 䘏䠂Ⲻ㨒઩䚉䘎ླ੝ϋ(10)
Zhèlh de cài wèidao hái hfo ba?
The (flavor of the) food here is good, right?
c. 䛙Ѡ侣侼ⲺᵃࣗᙄѾṭϋ(5)
Nàge fàngufn de fúwù zgnmeyàng?
How is the service at that restaurant?
d. 䘏䰞䈴ᙄѾṭϋ(8)
Zhè mén kè zgnmeyàng?
How is this class?
e. ֖օⲺ൦ᯯ䘎ਥԛ੍ϋ(1)
Nh zhù de dìfang hái kgyh ma?
Is the place where you are living okay?
f. 䛙Ѡ⭫ᖧᙄѾṭϋ(3)
Nàge diànyhng zgnme yàng?
How is that movie?
➪ 60.1

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