Expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction
g. Friend:伕ุⲺ侣ᙄѾṭϋ
Shítáng de fàn zgnmeyàng?
h. You: It’s okay. It’s so-so.
i. Friend:伕ุⲺᵃࣗླуླϋ
Shítáng de fúwù hfo bù hfo?
j. You: Nothing special.
➪ 60.1, 60.2
4 The newly opened Chinese restaurant Furong Garden is giving away $25 gift
cards to selected patrons who fill out their satisfaction survey form [ᝅ㿷㺞/
ᝅ㿁㺞 yìjiàn bifo] after their dinner. Help translate the survey into Mandarin.
Thank you for filling out the survey for us. Your feedback will help us provide
a better service and dining experience [⭞但㔅僂/⭞但㏉傍 yòngcan jcngyàn].
To show our appreciation, each week we will give a $25 gift card to five
selected patrons who fill out the survey.
Please tell us what you think:
Excellent Good Acceptable Inferior Unacceptable
Dining Environment
Overall Experience
Would you recommend our restaurant to a friend? Yes No
Additional comments:
Contact information:
Name _____________________ / email: _____________________