Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Expressing apologies, regrets,

sympathy, and bad news

1 Here are some short exchanges. Complete them by adding the appropriate apology.

a. A: ________ȾᡇᶛᲐҼȾ
________. Wi lái wán le.
________. I got here late.
B: ⋗ީ㌱Ⱦ
Méi guanxi.
It’s not important.
b. A: ________Ⱦᡇ⋗੢៸Ⱦ䈭߃䈪ж⅗Ⱦ
________. Wi méi tcngding. Qhng zài shud yccì.
________. I didn’t understand. Please say it again.
B: ⋗ީ㌱Ⱦᡇਥԛ߃䈪ж⅗Ⱦ
Méi guanxi. Wi kéyh zàishud yccì.
No problem. I can say it again.
c. A: ________Ⱦᡇ੢у㿷Ⱦ䈭ཝ⛯༦Ⱦ
________. Wi tcngbujiàn. Qcng dà difn shbng.
________. I can’t hear. Please say it a little louder.
B: ླȾ
d. A: 䇟ᛞѻᅀҼȾ________Ⱦ
Ràng nín jij dgng le. ________.
I’ve made you wait a long time. ________
B: ⋗ӁȾ
Méi shì.
It’s not important.

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