Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


e. 䛙пᵢѣᮽҜ
nà san bgn Zhdngwén she
f. 䘏њԬ∑㺙
zhè lifng jiàn máoyc
g. 䘏њѠ㤧ളᆜ⭕
zhè lifng gè Ycngguó xuésheng
h. 䛙഑䰞ᮽᆜ䈴
nà sì mén wénxué kè

2 a. 䛙ॷѠᆜ⭕/䛙ॷفᆮ⭕ nà shí gè xuésheng
b. 䘏пཟ/䙏пཟ zhè san tian
c. 䛙Ѡᢁᵰ/䛙فᢁₕ nàge shiujc
d. 䛙ӊᕖ➝⡽/䛙ӊᕫ➝⡽ nà wj zhang zhàopiàn
e. 䘏ᶥૌ஗/䙏ᶥૌ஗ zhè bbi kafbi
f. 䛙ᕖ㓮/䛙ᕫ㍏ nà zhang zhh

3 Scenario 1
A. a. ᷓ zhc b. ᵢ bgn c. Ѡ/ف gè d. Ԭ jiàn e. ᶗ/ồ tiáo f. ᕖ/ᕫ zhang
B. Translation:
Kevin: The semester is about to begin. I’m going to buy some things for
school. Look, the things in this store are really cheap: I bought ten
pencils, two dictionaries, a backpack, two pieces of clothing, a pair
of slacks, and altogether it was only $30. Their paper is even
cheaper, 500 sheets are only $4.50.
Scenario 2
A. a. ᶗ/ồ tiáo b. ⬬ píng c. Ѡ/ف gè d. ᕖ/ᕫ zhang e. ᣀ bf
f. ᕖ/ᕫ zhang g. ⬬ píng h. ᶗ/ồ tiáo i. Ԭ jiàn
B. Translation:
Tina: Are the tables and chairs all set up? I’ve bought the five loaves of
bread and four bottles of wine that you wanted.
Lily: There are altogether ten people. We might not all be able to fit at the
table. We still need another table. Also, bring over three more chairs.
In addition, we need to put a vase of flowers on each table.
Tina: Okay. What are you wearing tonight? I want to wear my red skirt.
Lily: I’m planning to wear the new skirt that I bought. It looks really good
with that white jacket.

4 a. жнпॹ഑Ⲵӊॷғඍ
yc wàn san qian sì bfi wjshí jij kuài

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