Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


6 Complete the table, expressing the Mandarin phrases in English and the
English phrases in Mandarin.
English Mandarin
a. 50 more or less
b. њⲴԛс
lifng bfi yhxià
c. almost 100
d. њпѠᆜ⭕
lifng san gè xuésheng
e. nine or ten students
f. less than 10
g. ӊॷԛр
wjshí yhshàng
h. more than a month
➪ 6.5

7 Complete the table by adding the corresponding fractions and percentages in
Mandarin and English.
English Mandarin
a. 5/8
b. п࠼ҁж
san fbn zhcyc
c. 0.75
d. Ⲵ࠼ҁпॷ
bfi fbn zhc sanshí
e. 8.33
f. 䴬⛯䴬䴬п
líng difn líng líng san
g. 4/5
h. й࠼ҁж
qc fbn zhc yc
➪ 6.6

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