Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Answer key


d. ⋗ਹ䗽Ⱦᡇ⋗ਹ䗽्Ӣ✚呣Ⱦ
Méi chcguò. Wi méi chcguò Bgijcng kfoya.
No. I have not eaten Beijing roast duck (Peking duck) before.
e. у௒⅘Ⱦᡇу௒⅘ⵁ⭫ᖧȾ
Bù xhhuan. Wi bù xhhuan kàn diànyhng.
No. I do not like to watch movies.
f. ⋗ᴿȾਦ्⋗ᴿ൦䫷Ⱦ
Méi yiu. Táibgi méi yiu dìtig.
No. Taipei does not have a subway.
g. у┸ӤȾṸ᷍Ⲻኧ≪у┸ӤȾ
Bù piàoliang. Guìlín de shanshuh bù piàoliang.
No. Guilin’s scenery is not pretty.
h. у⭞Ⱦᡇу⭞ㆭᆆਹ侣Ⱦ
Bù yòng. Wi bù yòng kuàizi chc fàn.
No. I do not use chopsticks to eat.

6 a. ֖௒⅘ਹѣ但䘎ᱥ㾵但ϋ
Nh xhhuan chc Zhdngcan háishi xccan?
Do you like to eat Chinese food or Western food?
b. ֖ᱥᆜ⭕䘎ᱥ㘷ᐾϋ
Nh shì xuésheng háishi lfoshc?
Are you a student or a teacher?
c. ֖ᆜѣളᮽᆜ䘎ᱥᆜ㤧ളᮽᆜϋ
Nh xué Zhdngguó wénxué háishi xué Ycngguó wénxué?
Do you study Chinese literature or English literature?
d. ֖ᱥӂॷж኷䘎ᱥӂॷӂ኷ϋ
Nh shì èrshíyc suì háishi èrshíèr suì?
Are you 21 years old or 22?
e. ֖௒⅘ⵁ⭫㿼䘎ᱥ௒⅘੢᭬丩ᵰϋ
Nh xhhuan kàn diànshì háishi xhhuan tcng shduycnjc?
Do you like to watch TV or listen to radio?
f. ֖р儎ѣ䘎ᱥрཝᆜϋ
Nh shàng gaozhdng háishi shàng dàxué?
Are you in high school or in college?

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