Answer key
40 Expressing additional information
1 a. ᡇ䘏ᆜᵕ䘿Ҽѣᮽθҕ䘿ҼᰛᮽȾ
Wi zhè xuéqc xufn le Zhdngwén, yg xufn le Rìwén.
This semester I am taking Chinese and I am also taking Japanese.
( lit. I selected Chinese and I also selected Japanese.)
b. Ԍ⅘ਹ㗄ള侣θҕ⅘ਹ⌦ള侣Ⱦ
Ta xhhuan chc Mgiguó fàn, yg xhhuan chc Tàiguó fàn.
He likes to eat American food and he also likes Thai food.
c. ᕖቅ㤧ᖾ┸Ӥθҕᖾ㚠᱄Ⱦ
Zhang Xifoycng hgn piàoliang, yg hgn cdngming.
Zhang Xiaoying is very pretty and also very smart.
d. ᷍Օᆜᱥᆜ⭕Ⱦ⧡⧨ҕᱥᆜ⭕Ⱦ
Lín Wgixué shì xuésheng. Táng Méilíng yg shì xuésheng.
Lin Weixue is a student. Tang Meiling is also a student.
e. ᡇ㔏ᕕᕕᢉҼ⭫䈓Ⱦᡇҕ㔏ᢉҼ⭫䈓Ⱦ
Wi ggi dìdi df le diànhuà. Wi yg ggi mèimei df le diànhuà.
I called my younger brother. I also called my younger sister.
f. ᡇ⅘ૌθҕ⅘㥬Ⱦ
Wi xhhuan hb kafbi, yg xhhuan hb chá.
I like to drink coffee and I also like to drink tea.
2 a. 䘏ᵢᆍޮ䘷㔏֖Ⱦᡇ䘎ᴿжᵢȾ
Zhè bgn zìdifn sòngggi nh. Wi hái yiu ycbgn.
I am giving this dictionary to you. I still have one.
b. ֖䘎ᴿӶѾӁ㾷䇿ᡇ੍ϋ
Nh hái yiu shénme shìqing yào gàosu wi ma?
Do you have anything else you want to tell me?
c. ሯу䎭Ⱦᡇ䘎у៸֖ⲺᝅᙓȾ
Duìbuqh. Wi hái bù ding nh de yìsi.
Sorry. I still do not understand what you mean.
d. ֖䘎ᴿཐቇ䫧ϋ
Nh hái yiu dudshao qián?
How much money do you have left?