g. 䘏њѠᆜ⭕㤧ള
zhè lifng gè xuésheng Ycngguó
these two English students
h. ᮽᆜ䛙䈴䰞
sì wénxué nà kè mén
those four literature classes
➪ 8.1
2 Write these noun phrases in Chinese, using the appropriate classifier in each
Example: those three students = 䛙пѠᆜ⭕/䛙пفᆮ⭕
nà san gè xuésheng
a. those ten students
b. these three days
c. that cell phone
d. those five photographs
e. this cup of coffee
f. that piece of paper
➪ 8.1
3 A. Select the appropriate classifier from the following list in each scenario to
complete these dialogues.
B. Translate the dialogues into English.
Scenario 1
ᕖ/ᕫ zhong, Ԭ jiàn, ᣀ bt, Ѡ/ف gè, ᶗ/ồ tiáo, ᷓ zhq, ᵢ bun
Kevin: ᘡᔶᆜҼθᡇৱҦжӑᆜṗ㾷⭞Ⲻђ㾵θ֖ⵁθ䘏ᇬᓍⲺђ㾵ⵕᇒφ
ᡇҦҼॷ (^) (a)____ 䫻ᄎȽњ (^) (b)____ ᆍޮȽж (^) (c)____ 㜂ऻθ
њ (^) (d)____ 㺙ᵃȽж (^) (e)____ 㼚ᆆθжާᢃпॷӊඍȾԌԢⲺ㓮ᴪ
ᇒθӊⲴ (^) (f)____ ᢃඍӊȾ
Kevin: ᘡ䯁ᆮҼθᡇৱ䋭жӑᆮṗ㾷⭞Ⲻᶧ㾵θ֖ⵁθ䙏ᇬᓍⲺᶧ㾵ⵕᇒφ
ᡇ䋭Ҽॷ (^) (a)____ 䢑ᄯȽޟ (^) (b)____ ᆍޮȽж (^) (c)____ 㜂ऻθ
ޟ (^) (d)____ 㺙ᵃȽж (^) (e)____ 㽨ᆆθжާᢃпॷӊȾԌهⲺ㍏ᴪ
ᇒθӊⲴ (^) (f)____ ᢃӊȾ
Kevin: Kuài kaixué le, wi qù mfi ycxib xuéxiào yào yòng de ddngxi,
nh kàn, zhè jia diàn de ddngxi zhbn piányi: wi mfile shí (^) (a)____
qianbhȽlifng (^) (b)____ zìdifnȽyc (^) (c)____ bbibao, lifng (^) (d)____
ycfuȽyc (^) (e)____ kùzi, ycgòng cái sanshíwj kuài. Tamen de zhh
gèng piányi, wjbfi (^) (f)____ cái sì kuài wj.