Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Adjectival verbs


g. Ԍᖾᴿ䫧Ⱦ
Ta hgn yiu qián.
He is rich.
h. 䛙䖼䖜ᖾᘡȾ
Nà liàng chb hgn kuài.
That car is fast.
➪ 10.2

2 Answer ‘no’ to each of the questions you have formed in (1) above.

➪ 10.2

3 Describe ⧁᱄ Wáng Míng in Mandarin using intensifiers and the adjectival
verbs provided. The Mandarin translations of the adjectival verbs follow each
Example: He is somewhat lazy. → Ԍ⴮ᖉ᠈Ⱦ
To xiongdong ltn.
a. He is very tall. [儎 gao]
b. He is extremely good looking. [ᑛ shuài]
c. He is rather smart. [㚠᱄/㚦᱄ cdngming]
d. He is too fat. [㜌 pàng]
e. He is quite polite. [ᇘ≊/ᇘ≙ kèqi]
f. He is really interesting. [ᴿᝅᙓ yiu yìsc]
➪ 10.3

4 ࡟ઞ Zhdu Lì exceeds ⧁᱄ Wáng Míng in every property listed below.
Describe ࡟ઞ Zhdu Lì and ⧁᱄ Wáng Míng, using the example as your
Example:ᘡ kuài fast → ⧁᱄ᖾᘡȾઞ࡟ᴪᘡȾ
Wáng Míng hun kuài. Zhru Lì gèng kuài.
a. 㚠᱄/㚦᱄ cdngming smart
b. ᴿᵢӁ yiu bgnshi talented
c. ᐻ/ᑛ shuài handsome
d. ૂ≊/ૂ≙ héqi nice
➪ 10.3, 10.5

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