Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Stative verbs


4 Talking about past states. Mr. Wang and Ms. Li went to their 20 year high
school reunion and had a great time catching up. Complete the dialogue based
on the English translation.

⧁ݾ⭕φ ࢃԛ֖ᡇ䇦ᗍ (^) (a)__

⧁ݾ⭕φ ࢃԛ֖ᡇ䁎ᗍ (^) (a)__

Wáng Xiansheng: Wi jìdé nh yhqián (^) (a)__

Mr. Wang: I remember you used to have a dog right? Your
house was next to our school. Also you like
chemistry and history a lot.
ᶄቅဆφ ֖ᙄѾ䘎䇦ᗍϋ䛙ᱥӂॷཐᒪࢃⲺӁ᛻ҼȾ
ᶄቅဆφ ֖ᙄ哲䚺䁎ᗍϋ䛙ᱥӂॷཐᒪࢃⲺӁ᛻ҼȾ
Lh Xifojig: Nh zgnme hái jìdé? Nà shì èrshídud nián qián
de shìqing le.
Ms. Li: How can you still remember? It was more than
20 years ago.
⧁ݾ⭕φ ᡇᖉ❬䇦ᗍέᡇ䘎䇦ᗍ֖Ԅࢃ (^) (b)θ
⧁ݾ⭕φ ᡇ⮬❬䁎ᗍέᡇ䚺䁎ᗍ֖ᗔࢃ (^) (b)
Wáng Xiansheng: Wi dangrán jìdé! Wi hái jìdé nh cóngqián
(b)_____, xiànzài ne?
Mr. Wang: Of course I do! I also remember that you used to
be really afraid of driving [you most feared
driving]. How about now?
ᶄቅဆ ཝᄋ φ 䛙ᱥԄࢃθ⧦൞ᖉ❬ (^) (c)__Ⱦ
ᶄቅဆ ཝᄋ φ 䛙ᱥᗔࢃθ⨴൞⮬❬ (^) (c)__Ⱦ
Lh Xifojig (Dà xiào): Nà shì cóngqián, xiànzài dangrán
Ms. Li (Laughing out loud): That was before. Of course (I’m) not afraid

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