Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Action verbs


Zhuang Xióng: Wi zuì jìn mgitian ddu hgn máng.
➪ 13.4.2, 13.5.1

5 Mike has some very interesting friends. Translate the following sentences about
his friends into Mandarin using the durative aspect particle ⵶/㪍 zhe.
Amy eats standing up:____
Beth sleeps with the door open: _____
There’s a long coat (䮵ཝ㺙/䮭ཝ㺙 cháng dàyc) hanging on Carmen’s bedroom
wall: ____
There are 12 stone lions (⸩⤤ᆆ/⸩⥻ᆆ shí shczi) on Derek’s desk:

Emily can only sing sitting down: ____
Frank only wears pajamas (⶗㺙 shuì yc) to school: ___
➪ 13.6.1

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