3 Introduce the new English teacher to your classmates. Use a preposition in
each sentence except (a).
a. Say that this is our new teacher.
b. Say that you want to introduce him to you.
c. Say that he has just come from the United States.
d. Say that he is teaching English at our school this year.
e. Say that he is very interested in Chinese culture.
f. Say that he wants to travel everywhere [൦ gè dì everywhere].
g. Say that he also hopes to interact with Chinese people. [ᶛᖶ/ᖶּ
láiwfng to interact]
➪ 14.1, 14.2
4 My roommate is really mad today. He won’t do anything I ask him. Here are
my requests. Provide my roommate’s responses, as in the example.
Example: A: Ԁཟ䐕ᡇԢৱⵁ⭫ᖧȾ
Jcntian gbn women qù kàn diànyhng ba.
How about going to watch a movie with us today.
B: Ԁཟᡇу䐕֖Ԣৱⵁ⭫ᖧȾ
Jcntian wi bù gbn nhmen qù kàn diànyhng.
I am not going to watch a movie with you today.
a. A: с䈴ԛθ䈭֖㔏ᡇᢉ⭫䈓Ⱦ
Xià kè yhhòu, qhng nh ggi wi df diànhuà.
Call me when class is over.
B: Ⱦ
b. A: ᴵᡇᣀҜ䘎㔏ഴҜ侼Ⱦ
Tì wi bf she huánggi túshegufn.
Return the book to the library for me.
B: Ⱦ
c. A: 䐕㘷ᐾ䈪ᡇ⯻ҼȾ
Gbn lfoshc shud wi bìng le.
Tell the teacher I am sick.
B: ___Ⱦ