Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


b. ߏᡇ ________ ࣕ䈴ቧᶛᑤ֖Ⱦ
ᡇሡ ________ ࣕ䃨ቧּᒡ֖Ⱦ
Wi xig ________ gdngkè jiù lái bang nh.
I’ll come help you as soon as I finish doing my homework.
c. ᡇᐨ㔅ਹ ________ Ҽθ߃ࡡ㔏ᡇҼȾ
ᡇᐨ㏉ਹ ________ Ҽθ߃࡛㎜ᡇҼȾ
Wi yhjcng chc ________ le, bié zài ggi wi le.
I’m full already. Stop giving me (food).
d. ᡇᮏҜᮏҼпॷཐᒪθଠ䠂䇦ᗍ ________ ᡶᴿᆜ⭕Ⲻ੃ᆍઘϋ
ᡇᮏᴮᮏҼпॷཐᒪθଠ㼗䁎ᗍ ________ ᡶᴿᆮ⭕Ⲻ੃ᆍઘϋ
Wi jiao she jiao le sanshí dud nián, nfli jìde ________ suiyiu
xuésheng de míngzi ne?
I’ve been teaching for more than 30 years. How can I remember all
students’ names?
e. 䛙Ѡ⍍㺙ᵰඅ ________ Ҽθ⭞ਜཌжѠ੝Ⱦ
䛙ف⍍㺙ₕ༔ ________ Ҽθ⭞ਜཌжف੝Ⱦ
Nàge xhycjc huài ________ le, yòng lìngwài yc ge ba.
That washing machine is broken. Use the other one.
f. ԌᢴҼঀᒪ䜳⋗ᢴ ________ ᐛ֒θਠླᩢഔᇬ䐕⡬∃օȾ
ԌᢴҼঀᒪ䜳⋈ᢴ ________ ᐛ֒θਠླᩢഔᇬ䐕⡬∃օȾ
Ta zhfo le bànnián ddu méi zhfo ________ gdngzuò, zhh hfo ban huí
jia gbn fùmj zhù.
He looked for half a year but he couldn’t find a job, so he had to move
back to his parents’ house.
➪ 18.3, 18.4, 18.5, 18.6

6 ⧁ᯯ Wáng Fang can’t function well lately because he has been under a lot of
stress. In Mandarin, describe what he probably can’t do right now.
Example: He can’t sleep. → Ԍ⶗у⵶Ⱦ
Ta shuìbùzháo.
a. He can’t eat anything.
b. He can’t remember what he needs to do everyday.
c. He can’t see (things) clearly.
d. He can’t find his cell phone.
e. He can’t understand what other people are saying.
➪ 18.6

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