Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


2 Sheila is studying Chinese in Beijing and wants to go to Wangfujing [⧁ᓒӋ
Wángfxjvng] to shop. She asks a cab driver for information. Translate her
conversation into Mandarin.
a. Sheila: Driver, sorry for bothering you. Is Wangfujing far from here?
Driver: __
b. Sheila: I’m sorry. I didn’t understand. Can you say it again please?
Driver: __
c. Sheila: I’m very sorry. Please say it again slower.
Driver: __
d. Sheila: Yes, I understand. Thank you.
➪ 25.1, 25.5, 47.4

3 Write the character described by each of the following phrases.

Example:>഑@ >4日@ Luó→㖻 Luó
‘sì’ ‘wéi’ Luó
The character pronounced Luó is composed of the characters
഑ and 4日.

NOTE This description only works for the traditional form of this character. The simplified form is not
composed of ഑ and 4日.

a. ݺᕕ@Ⲻ dì ‘xidngdì’ de dì ‘the “di” of older and younger brother’
b. >п⛯@≪/ >п唔@ shuh ‘sandifn’ shuh ‘three dot’ water
c. >ᵞᆆ@ Lh ‘mù zh’ Lh ‘wood child’ Li
d. >㄁ᰟ@ Zhang ‘lì zfo’ Zhang ‘stand up early’ Zhang
e. >㙩ђ@ Chén / >㙩ᶧ@ Chén ‘gr ddng’ Chén ‘ear east’ Chen
f. >п⁠жㄌ@Ⲻ Wáng / >п₡жㄠ@Ⲻ Wáng ‘san héng yc shù’ de Wáng
‘three horizontal one vertical’ Wang
➪ 25.7

4 ᘍ䳺 Zhìxióng and ဃဃ Shanshan discuss housing options for school with
their friend 㗄⧨ Mgilíng, an incoming college freshman. ᘍ䳺 Zhìxióng
prefers living in a dorm while ဃဃ Shanshan thinks renting an apartment
near campus is better. Read their dialogue and fill in the blanks with words
that introduce further points (25.11.2), establish sequence or reference
(25.11.3, 25.11.4) or give examples (25.11.5).
ᘍ䳺 Zhìxióng: ᖉ❬ᱥᇵ㡃ླέ____(first of all)θᇵ㡃ቧ൞ᆜṗ䠂θуᗻҦ䖜θ
⮬❬ᱥᇵ㡃ླέ____(first of all)θᇵ㡃ቧ൞ᆮṗ㼗θуᗻ䋭䔀θ
䎦䐥ቧਥ ԛৱр䃨Ⱦ
Dangrán shì sùshè hfo! ____(first of all), sùshè jiù zài
xuéxiào lh, bù bì mfi chb, ziulù jiù kgyh qù shàngkè.

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