Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



and e-communications:

telephones, the internet,

and faxes

1 Write these phone numbers in Chinese (characters or Pinyin).

a. 62191074
b. 13651281180
c. 67179469
➪ 6.1.1, 26.5

2 You are placing a phone call to your friend ⧁᱄ Wáng Míng. You speak with
his roommate, ࡟ઞ Zhdu Lì. Complete the conversations by translating the
English into Mandarin.
Conversation A
࡟ઞ Zhdu Lì: ஸϋWéi?
You: I’m looking for Wang Ming.
࡟ઞ Zhdu Lì: Ԍу൞ȾTa bù zài.
You: Please tell him to return my phone call. My cell phone number
is 13501327806.
Conversation B
࡟ઞ Zhdu Lì: ஸϋWéi?
You: Is Wang Ming in?
࡟ઞ Zhdu Lì: Ԍу൞ȾTa bù zài.
You: Please tell him to email me.
Conversation C
࡟ઞ Zhdu Lì: ஸϋWéi?
You: I’d like to speak with Wang Ming.
࡟ઞ Zhdu Lì: Ԍу൞ȾTa bù zài.
You: Okay. I’ll send him a text message.
➪ 26.1, 26.4

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