Telecommunications and e-communications: telephones, the internet, and faxes
3 Solve these problems by giving advice in Mandarin.
a. The line is busy. → Dial again.
b. No one is picking up the phone. → Leave a message.
c. I don’t have a computer. → Go to an internet café to get on the web.
d. How can I let you know when you are in class? → Send me a text message.
e. Mr. Wang is not at home. → Call his cell phone.
f. Where is the information? → Open the attachment.
g. How can I interview an international student? → Make a video call.
➪ 26.1
4 Mr. Zhou told his secretary to do the following this morning. Fill in the blanks
to complete Mr. Zhou’s order.
哱✜֖ᣀᱞཟᔶՐⲺ㓠ᖋ⭞⭫ᆆ䛤Ԭ ____ 㔏⧁㔅⨼Ⱦਜཌθ㔏ᕖݾ⭕
____ жѠ⭫䈓䰤ԌᡇԀཟсॾՐᲐж⛯ࡦȾẂрᴿླࠖᕖᡇᱞཟ ____ Ⲻ
哱➟֖ᣀᱞཟ䯁ᴹⲺ㌶䤺⭞䴱ᆆ䜫Ԭ ____ ㎜⧁㏉⨼Ⱦਜཌθ㎜ᕫݾ⭕
____ жف䴱䂧䁪ԌᡇԀཟсॾᴹᲐж唔ࡦȾẂрᴿླᒴᕫᡇᱞཟ ____
Máfán nh bf zuótian kai huì de jìlù yòng diànzh yóujiàn ____ ggi
Wáng Jcnglh. Lìngwài, ggi Zhang Xiansheng ____ ycgè diànhuà gàosu
ta wi jcntian xiàwj huì wfn ycdifn dào. Zhud shàng yiu hfo jh zhang wi
zuótian ____ de chuánzhbn, nh kàn kàn yiu shénme xeyào chjlh de.
5 45 minutes later. Mr. Zhou’s secretary reported on her progress. Fill in the
blanks to complete the paragraph.
ᱞཟᔶՐⲺ㓠ᖋᐨ㔅⭞ ____(attachment) ᇺ㔏⧁㔅⨼ҼȾᡇ㔏ᕖݾ⭕ᢉ⭫䈓Ԍ⋗
____θᡶԛᡇ ____ Ҽ䈓Ⱦᅀжсᡇਥԛ߃ ____ жሷ⸣ؗᨆ䟈ԌȾ
䛙ࠖᕖՖⵕҕ༺⨼ླҼȾሯҼθࡐᢃᡇ൞ᑤᛞᣛᑆ(file reimbursement)θᴿжѠ䜞࠼䴶㾷
____(enter) 䈜㓼ᰛᵕθ哱✜ᛞⵁжсሯуሯȾ
ᱞཟ䯁ᴹⲺ㌶䤺ᐨ㏉⭞ ____(attachment) ᇺ㎜⧁㏉⨼ҼȾᡇ㎜ᕫݾ⭕ᢉ䴱䂧Ԍ⋈
____θᡶԛᡇ ____ Ҽ䂧Ⱦᅀжсᡇਥԛ߃ ____ жሷ⸣ؗᨆ䟈ԌȾ
䛙ᒴᕫ۩ⵕҕ㲋⨼ླҼȾቃҼθᢃᡇ൞ᒡᛞᑩ(file reimbursement)θᴿжف䜞࠼䴶㾷
____(enter) 䂩14点ᰛᵕθ哱➟ᛞⵁжсቃуቃȾ
Zuótian kai huì de jìlù yhjcng yòng ____(attachment) jì ggi Wáng Jcnglh le.
Wi ggi Zhang Xiansheng df diànhuà ta méi ____, suiyh wi ____
le huà. Dgng ycxià wi kgyh zài ____ yc fbng dufnxìn tíxhng ta. Nà jh
zhang chuánzhbn yg chjlh hfo le. Duìle, gangcái wi zài bang nín
bàozhàng(file reimbursement), yiu ycgè bùfèn xeyào ____(enter) xiángxì rìqc,
máfan nín kàn ycxià duì bù duì.