Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

resultative suffixes

听见/聽見 tīngjiàn ‘hear’
看见/看見 kànjiàn ‘see’
闻见/聞見 wénjiàn ‘smell, perceive by smelling’
遇见/遇见 yùjiàn ‘encounter’
碰见/碰見 pèngjiàn ‘run into, encounter, come across’

  • 懂 dǒng ‘understand’

This suffix follows open-ended action verbs that refer to actions that provide information. It
indicates that the subject understands the object as a result of performing the action.

看懂 kàndǒng ‘read and understand’
听懂/聽懂 tīngdǒng ‘listen and understand’

  • 会/會 huì ‘master a skill’

This suffix follows open-ended action verbs, most commonly the verb 学/學 xué ‘study.’ It
indicates that the subject has mastered the object as a result of performing the action.

学会/學會 xuéhuì ‘study to the point of mastery of some skill or subject matter’

  • 饱/飽 bǎo ‘full’

This suffix follows open-ended action verbs, most commonly the verb 吃 chī ‘eat.’ It indicates
that the subject has eaten until full.

吃饱/吃飽 chībǎo ‘eat to the point of being full’

  • 对/對 duì ‘correct’

This suffix follows open-ended action verbs. It indicates that the subject has performed the
action correctly.

說对/說對 shuōduì ‘speak correctly’
写对/寫對 xiěduì ‘write correctly’
猜对/猜對 cāiduì ‘guess correctly’
做对/做對 zuòduì ‘do correctly’

  • 错/錯 cuò ‘incorrect, wrong’

This suffix follows open-ended action verbs. It indicates that the subject has performed the
action incorrectly.

说错/說錯 shuōcuò ‘say incorrectly’
写错/寫錯 xiěcuò ‘write incorrectly’
猜错/猜錯 cāicuò ‘guess incorrectly’
做错/做錯 zuocuò ‘do incorrectly’

  • 清楚 qīngchu ‘clearly’

This suffix follows open-ended action verbs that refer to thinking or communicating. It indicates
that the action was performed clearly.

看清楚 kànqīngchu ‘see clearly’
听清楚/聽清楚 tīngqīngchu ‘listen clearly’ (listen and be clear about the meaning)
说清楚/說清楚 shuōqīngchu ‘speak clearly’
想清楚 xiǎngqīngchu ‘think clearly’
写清楚/寫清楚 xiěqīngchu ‘write clearly’

  • 干净/乾淨 gānjing ‘clean’

This suffix follows open-ended action verbs to do with cleaning. It indicates that the action is
performed until the object is clean.

洗干淨/洗乾淨 xǐgānjing ‘wash (something) clean’
擦干净/擦乾淨 cāgānjing ‘wipe (something) clean’
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