Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The potential form of resultative verbs

18.6 The potential form of resultative verbs

The potential form of resultative verbs indicates that the subject is able to, or unable to, reach
the desired result or conclusion. The potential is created by adding the potential infixes 得 de
or 不 bu between the action verb head and the resultative suffix, as follows.
Affirmative potential form

action verb + 得 de + resultative suffix
do the action and be able to reach the conclusion or result
找得到 zhǎodedào ‘able to find’
做得完 zuòdewán ‘able to finish doing’
看得懂 kàndedǒng ‘read and be able to understand’

Negative potential form
action verb + 不 bu + resultative suffix
do the action but be unable to reach the conclusion or result

找不到 zhǎobudào ‘unable to find’
做不完 zuòbuwán ‘unable to finish doing’
看不懂 kànbudǒng ‘read but be unable to understand’
Aside from the potential infixes 得 de and 不 bu, nothing occurs between the action verb head
and the resultative suffix.

Here are sentences with resultative verbs in the affirmative and negative potential form. Notice
that the aspectual suffixes 了 le and 过/過 guo never occur when the potential form of a resul-
tative verb is used.
Nǐ tīngdejian tā shuō de huà ma?
Can you hear what he is saying?

Wǒ xiǎngdàole yí gè nǐ xiǎngbúdào de bànfa.
I thought of a method that you could not possibly imagine.
Wǒ de bàogào jīntiān xiěbuwán.
I can’t finish my paper today.

Zhèige gōngzuò sān tiān zuòbuhǎo.
I cannot finish this job (and do a good job on it) within three days.

18.6.1 Asking and answering yes–no questions in the potential form

To ask a yes–no question with 吗/嗎 ma involving a resultative verb in potential form, simply
follow the statement with 吗/嗎 ma:

Nǐ tīngdedǒng Zhōngguóhuà ma?
Can you understand Chinese?
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