Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
directional suffixes

19.3 directional suffixes

Directional suffixes are either simple or complex.

19.3.1 Simple directional suffixes

Simple directional suffixes consist of a single syllable that indicates the direction of motion.
Here is a list of simple directional suffixes followed by directional verbs in which they occur.
Note that the suffix is typically pronounced in neutral tone.

  • 下 xià ‘down’

坐下 zuòxià ‘sit down’
躺下 tǎngxià ‘lie down’
趴下 pāxià ‘lie down on one’s stomach’
跪下 guìxià ‘kneel; go down on one’s knees’
放下 fàngxià ‘put down’

  • 上 shàng ‘up, upward, better’

关上/關上 guānshàng ‘close (doors, windows, lights)’
挂上/掛上 guàshàng ‘hang up (pictures, flowers)’
穿上 chuānshàng ‘put on (clothes, shoes)’
戴上 dàishàng ‘put on (hats, gloves, eyeglasses)’

  • 来/來 lái ‘movement toward the speaker’

跑来/跑來 pǎolái ‘run toward the speaker’
走來 zǒulái ‘walk toward the speaker’
爬來 pálái ‘crawl toward the speaker’
飞来/飛來 fēilái ‘fly toward the speaker’
进来/進來 jìnlái ‘come in’
出来/出來 chūlái ‘go out (toward the speaker)’
起来/起來 qǐlái ‘bring up, pick up’
回来/回來 huílái ‘return to a location (toward the speaker)’
过来/過來 guòlái ‘pass, travel across (toward the speaker)’

  • 去 qù ‘movement away from the speaker toward a specific destination’

跑去 pǎoqù ‘run away from the speaker toward a specific destination’
走去 zǒuqù ‘walk away from the speaker toward a specific destination’
爬去 páqù ‘crawl away from the speaker toward a specific destination’
飞去/飛去 fēiqù ‘fly away from the speaker toward a specific location’
进去/進去 jìnqù ‘go in (away from the speaker)’
出去 chūqù ‘go out (away from the speaker)’
回去 huíqù ‘return to a location (away from the speaker)’
过去/過去 guòqù ‘pass, travel across (away from the speaker)’

  • 走 zǒu ‘movement away from the speaker not directed toward a specific location’

跑走 pǎo zǒu ‘run away’
飞走/飛走 fēizǒu ‘fly away’
拿走 názǒu ‘take away’
带走/帶走 dàizǒu ‘carry away’
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