Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Names, kiNship terms, titles, aNd terms of address

22.6 Name cards and business cards

Name cards and business cards are widely used in China, and people often exchange name
cards when they meet for the first time. The information on a person’s name card will help you
to determine how to address him or her.
When handing your card to someone, use both hands, and give it to the person so that the writing
is facing him or her. Receive a card with both hands, read the card, and thank the person who
gave you the card or comment on the information on the card so that it is clear that you have
read it. If business cards are exchanged during a meeting or a meal, it is customary to place
the cards you receive on the table, arranged according to hierarchy, so that you can refer to
them as you talk.

The organization of the Chinese name card or business card is typically as follows:

Business Organization


NAME education degree

(Contact information)


Telephone number

Mobile phone number

Fax number





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