Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Addressing letters and envelopes

22.7.3 The format of a vertical envelope (commonly used in Taiwan)

In vertical format, addresses are written from top to bottom.

22.7.4 Terms used in addresses and their order of presentation

Addresses in China are presented from the largest unit to the smallest. If the postal code is
included in the address, it occurs before the name of the city.
The major regional distinctions used in addresses in order of size are as follows:

省 县/縣 市 乡/鄉 镇/镇 村
shěng xiàn shì xiāng zhèn cūn
province county city town township village

S e n d e r A d d r e s s & n a m e


R e c i p i e n t N a m e
R e c i p i e n t A d d r e s s

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