Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

iNdiCatiNG reSUlt, CoNClUSioN, PoteNtial, aNd exteNt

Action verb Meaning Resultative verb Meaning

买/買 买到/買到
mǎi to shop for mǎidào to buy/to purchase

找 找到
zhǎo to look for zhǎodào to find

买/買 买着/買著
mǎi to shop for mǎizháo to buy/to purchase

找 找着/找著
zhǎo to look for zhǎozháo to find

睡/睡 睡着/睡著
shuì to sleep shuìzháo to fall asleep

做 做错/做錯
zuò to do zuòcuò to do wrong

写/寫 写错/寫錯
xiě to write xiěcuò to write incorrectly

买/買 买错/買錯
mǎi to shop for mǎicuò to buy wrong (to buy the wrong thing)

用 用错/用錯
yòng to use yòngcuò to use wrong (to use something
the wrong way)

吃 吃饱/吃飽
chī to eat chībǎo to eat until full

看 看懂
kàn to read kàndǒng to read to the point of
understanding something

听/聽 听懂/聽懂
tīng to listen tīngdǒng to listen to the point of understanding

学/學 学会/學會
xué to study xuéhuì to study to the point of knowing
something; to master by studying

记/記 记住/記住
jì to record,
to remember

jìzhù to remember

打 打开/打開

dǎ to hit (also many

dǎkāi to open

吃 吃够

chī to eat chīgòu to eat enough

问/問 问清楚
wèn to ask wènqīngchu to ask about something until you are
clear about it

擦 擦干净
cā to wipe cāgānjìng to wipe something until it is clean

洗 洗干净
xǐ to wash xǐ gānjìng to wash something until it is clean

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