Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

resultative suffixes with special meanings or properties

住得起 zhùdeqǐ ‘to be able to afford to live someplace’

住不起 zhùbuqǐ ‘to be unable to afford to live someplace’

Q: 现在北京房子那么贵,你们住得起住不起?
Xiànzài Běijīng fángzi nàme guì, nǐmen zhùdeqǐ zhùbuqǐ?
Houses in Beijing are so expensive now, can you afford to live there?
A: 我们住得起,可是我们的孩子住不起。
Wǒmen zhùdeqǐ, kěshì wǒmen de háizi zhùbuqǐ.
We can afford to live there, but our children cannot afford to live there.

  • 得起 deqǐ and -不起 buqǐ also have idiomatic meanings when suffixed to certain verbs.

看得起 kàndeqǐ ‘to have a good opinion of, think highly of ’

看不起 kànbuqǐ ‘to look down on, despise’

Nǐ bù yīnggāi kànbuqǐ méi yǒu qián de rén.
You should not look down on people who have no money.

对得起/對得起 duìdeqǐ ‘to show respect to someone’

对不起/對不起 duìbuqǐ ‘to disappoint someone, cause someone to be embarrassed or lose face’

Q: 你不好好地念书对得起对不起你的父母?
Nǐ bù hǎohāo de niàn shū duìdeqǐ duìbuqǐ nǐ de fùmǔ?
If you do not study hard, how can you face your parents?
A: 我一定要好好地念书才能对得起他们。
Wǒ yīdìng yào hǎohāo de niànshū cái néng duìdeqǐ tāmen.
I certainly want to study hard so that I can make them happy.

  • 上 shàng

上 shàng has a special meaning when used in the resultative verb 考上 kǎoshàng ‘to pass
an entrance exam’ (especially a university entrance exam). The potential forms are:

考得上 kǎodeshàng ‘to be able to pass the entrance exam’

考不上 kǎobushàng ‘to be unable to pass the entrance exam’

Q: 你想我今年考得上考不上北大?
Nǐ xiǎng wǒ jīnnián kǎodeshàng kǎobushàng Běi Dà?
Do you think I will be able to pass the entrance exam for Beijing University this year?
A: 我想你一定考得上。
Wǒ xiǎng nǐ yīdìng kǎodeshàng.
I think you will certainly pass the exam.

  • 不定 budìng

  • 不定 budìng has a restricted use as a resultative verb ending:

说不定/說不定 shuōbudìng ‘perhaps’

Tā xiànzài hái méi lái, shuōbudìng tā bù huì lái le.
He hasn’t come yet. Perhaps he won’t come.

C18.6, 18.7

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