Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
makiNG ComPariSoNS

33.1.6 indicating identical performance of an action

To indicate that two noun phrases perform an action in a similar way, say:

NP 1 跟/和 NP 2 [verb 得] 一样 AV
NP 1 跟/和 NP 2 [verb 得] 一樣 AV
NP 1 gēn/hé NP 2 [verb de] yīyàng AV
NP 1 and NP 2 perform the verb equally AV

Wǒ gēn tā chī de yīyàng duō.
I eat as much as him.

Dìdi gēn mèimei xiě de yīyàng kuài.
Younger brother and younger sister write equally fast.

If the object of the action verb is included in the sentence, the action verb is said twice, once
followed by the object, and once followed by 得一样 de yīyàng (AV).
NP 1 跟/和 NP 2 [action verb + object] [action verb 得] 一样 AV
NP 1 跟/和 NP 2 [action verb + object] [action verb 得] 一樣 AV
NP 1 gēn/hé NP 2 [action verb + object] [action verb de] yīyàng AV
NP 1 and NP 2 perform the action verb equally AV

Wǒ gēn tā chī fàn chī de yīyàng duō.
I eat as much as him.

Dìdi gēn mèimei xiě zì xiě de yīyàng kuài.
Younger brother and younger sister write characters equally fast.

Here are several variations in this pattern. They differ in the order of the phrases. In all of these
variations, [action verb + object] occurs before [action verb 得 de], and 一样/一樣 yīyàng AV
occurs at the end of the sentence.
Variation 1

NP 1 [action verb + object] [action verb 得] 跟/和 NP 2 一样 AV
NP 1 [action verb + object] [action verb 得] 跟/和 NP 2 一樣 AV
NP 1 [action verb + object] [action verb de] gēn/hé NP 2 yīyàng AV
NP 1 and NP 2 perform the action verb equally AV

Wǒ chī fàn chī de gēn tā yīyàng duō.
I eat as much as him.

Dìdi xiě zì xiě de gēn mèimei yīyàng kuài.
Younger brother and younger sister write characters equally fast.
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