Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
makiNG ComPariSoNS

33.3.1 Comparing noun phrases in terms of adjectival verbs

NP 1 比 NP 2 AV
NP 1 bǐ NP 2 AV
NP 1 is more AV than NP 2
中国比日本大。 我的身体比以前好了。
中國比日本大。 我的身體比以前好了。
Zhōngguó bǐ Rìběn dà. Wǒ de shēntǐ bǐ yǐqián hǎo le.
China is bigger than Japan. My health is better than before.
吃饭比做饭容易。 写字比认字难。
吃飯比做飯容易。 寫字比認字難。
Chī fàn bǐ zuò fàn róngyì. Xiě zì bǐ rèn zì nán.
Eating is easier than cooking. Writing characters is harder
than recognizing characters.


In the third and fourth example sentences in this section, the phrases that are being compared are a verb
+ object. In these sentences, the verb + object together function as a noun phrase, serving as the subject
of the sentence or as the object of 比 bh.

33.3.2 Comparing noun phrases in terms of stative verbs

Stative verbs such as ài ‘to love’ and xǐhuan ‘to like to,’ ‘to prefer’ take noun phrase objects
or verb phrase complements. The stative verb and its object or complement is a stative verb
phrase (SVP). When comparing two noun phrases in terms of a stative verb phrase, say:
NP 1 比 NP 2 SVP
NP 1 bǐ NP 2 SVP
NP 1 is more SVP than NP 2
Tā bǐ wǒ ài chī Zhōngguó fàn.
He loves to eat Chinese food more than I.
Zhāng xiānsheng bǐ Zhāng tàitai xǐhuan mǎi shū.
Mr. Zhang likes to buy books more than Mrs. Zhang.

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33.3.3 Comparing noun phrases in terms of modal verb phrases

To compare noun phrases in terms of verb phrases that begin with a modal verb, say:

NP 1 比 NP 2 MVP
NP 1 bǐ NP 2 MVP
NP 1 is more MVP than NP 2
Wǒ jiějie bǐ wǒ gēgē huì chàng gē.
My older sister can sing better than my older brother.

33.3.4 indicating quantity in ‘more than’ comparisons

When comparing noun phrases, it is possible to indicate how much more one noun phrase is
than the other. The phrase that indicates the quantity occurs at the end of the sentence, after
the adjectival verb or stative verb.
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