Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
makiNG ComPariSoNS


NP 1 比 NP 2 AV 多了
NP 1 bǐ NP 2 AV duō le
NP 1 is much more AV than NP 2

Jīntiān bǐ zuótiān lěng duō le.
Today is much colder than yesterday.

Zhōngwén bǐ Yīngwén nán duō le.
Chinese is much more difficult than English.

Note Intensifiers cannot occur before the adjectival verb in the 比 bh comparison pattern.

Say this Not this

今天比昨天冷得多。 *今天比昨天很冷。
Jīntiān bǐ zuótiān lěng de duō. Jīntiān bǐ zuótiān hěn lěng.
Today is a lot colder than yesterday.

他比我用功得多。 *他比我非常用功。
Tā bǐ wǒ yònggōng de duō. Tā bǐ wǒ fēicháng yònggōng.
He is much more hardworking than I am.

The following pattern with 真 zhēn conveys a very similar meaning to the above patterns.

NP 1 真 比 NP 2 AV
NP 1 zhēn bǐ NP 2 AV
NP 1 is really more AV than NP 2

Jīntiān zhēn bǐ zuótiān lěng.
Today is really much colder than yesterday.

Zhōngwén zhēn bǐ Yīngwén nán.
Chinese is really more difficult than English. Noun phrase 1 is a little more aV than noun phrase 2
To indicate that one noun phrase is a little more AV than another noun phrase, say the following.

NP 1 比 NP 2 AV 一点儿/一點兒
NP 1 bǐ NP 2 AV yīdiǎr
NP 1 is a little more AV than NP 2

Wǒmen de fángzi bǐ tāmen de xiǎo yīdiǎr.
Our house is a little smaller than theirs.

Gēge bǐ dìdi yònggōng yīdiǎn.
Older brother is a little more hardworking than younger brother.
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