Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
more than
33.3 Noun phrase 1 is more adjectival verb than noun phrase 2 by half
To indicate that one noun phrase is more of some quality by half, put the phrase 一半 yí bàn
‘one half ’ after the adjectival verb.

Q: 这两件衣服,哪一件便宜?
Zhè liǎng jiàn yīfú, nǎ yí jiàn piányi?
Of these two dresses which one is cheaper?

A: 这件衣服比那件便宜一半。
Zhè jiàn yīfú bǐ nà jiàn piányi yí bàn.
This dress is half the price of that one. Noun phrase 1 is more adjectival verb than noun phrase 2 by a specific percent
The phrase X 分之 Y occurs after the adjectival verb.

Jīnnián xué Zhōngwén de xuésheng bǐ qùnián duō sì fēn zhī yī.
There are 25% more students studying Chinese this year.


33.3.5 Comparing the performance of an action
To indicate that one noun phrase does some action more AV than another noun phrase, say:
NP 1 比 NP 2 [verb 得] AV
NP 1 bǐ NP 2 [verb de] AV
NP 1 performs the verb more AV than NP 2

Tā bǐ wǒ chī de duō.
He eats more than me.

Dìdi bǐ mèimei xiě de kuài.
Younger brother writes faster than younger sister.

If the object of the action verb is included in the sentence, the action verb must be said twice,
once followed by the object, and once followed by 得 + AV.

NP 1 比 NP 2 [action verb + object] [action verb 得] AV
NP 1 bǐ NP 2 [action verb + object] [action verb de] AV
NP 1 performs the action verb more AV than NP 2

Tā bǐ wǒ chī fàn chī de duō.
He eats more food than me.

Dìdi bǐ mèimei xiě zì xiě de kuài.

(^) Younger brother writes characters faster than younger sister.

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